30. März 2010
26. März 2010
Ray Anderson - the former CEO of a huge carpet corporation - went wise and is a positive example for how power can be used in a postive way (2007)
CEO - chief executive officer=Firmenchef, Generaldirektor, Vorstandschef, Hauptgeschäftsführer
22. März 2010
Remember the KitKat video from Greenpeace?- Perhaps the consumers aren't so powerless after all- Read this email by Jamie Woolley from Greenpeace UK
Greenpeace 'Give the Orang-utan a Break' Campaign
Greenpeace has launched a shocking viral as part of a campaign against Nestlé to highlight the company's use of palm oil. Greenpeace says the palm oil from the supplier was used in Nestlé products such Kit Kat, and the brand was therefore involved in destroying the rainforest and endangering orangutans.
Warning: This video gets pretty gruesome!
Have a break? from Greenpeace UK on Vimeo.
You can find out more about the campaign (and show your support) on the Greenpeace site. Apparently, Nestlé complained to YouTube that Greenpeace were infringing their copyright (they have a point!), so YouTube removed the offending video. It's still available on other video sharing sites, however, and you can download it from the Greenpeace site. It's not the first time that Nestlé has been targeted by such a campaign. Remember the baby milk boycott?
Greenpeace has launched a shocking viral as part of a campaign against Nestlé to highlight the company's use of palm oil. Greenpeace says the palm oil from the supplier was used in Nestlé products such Kit Kat, and the brand was therefore involved in destroying the rainforest and endangering orangutans.
Warning: This video gets pretty gruesome!
Have a break? from Greenpeace UK on Vimeo.
You can find out more about the campaign (and show your support) on the Greenpeace site. Apparently, Nestlé complained to YouTube that Greenpeace were infringing their copyright (they have a point!), so YouTube removed the offending video. It's still available on other video sharing sites, however, and you can download it from the Greenpeace site. It's not the first time that Nestlé has been targeted by such a campaign. Remember the baby milk boycott?
21. März 2010
19. März 2010
How can education help solve problems in developing countries?
ident.africa - Wer wir sind
ident.africa wurde im Juli 2004 von Fred-Eric Essam als gemeinnützige Nichtregierungsorganisation (NRO) ins Leben gerufen. Der Verein mit Sitz in Köln engagiert sich für in Armut lebende Kinder Afrikas – zunächst im Dorf Boboyo - und bemüht sich daher um Spenden mit dem Ziel, allen Kindern dort bis 2015 eine gesicherte und solide Grundbildung und daraus resultierend eine bessere Zukunft zu ermöglichen.
Mit ident.africa helfen wir daher den Kindern ganz gezielt, das zu erlangen, was in unserer westlichen Welt selbstverständlich ist: Schulbildung!
Greenpeace fighting Nestle (Written by Jeffrey Hill)
Greenpeace 'Give the Orang-utan a Break' Campaign
Greenpeace has launched a shocking viral as part of a campaign against Nestlé to highlight the company's use of palm oil. Greenpeace says the palm oil from the supplier was used in Nestlé products such Kit Kat, and the brand was therefore involved in destroying the rainforest and endangering orangutans.
Warning: This video gets pretty gruesome!
Have a break? from Greenpeace UK on Vimeo.
You can find out more about the campaign (and show your support) on the Greenpeace site. Apparently, Nestlé complained to YouTube that Greenpeace were infringing their copyright (they have a point!), so YouTube removed the offending video. It's still available on other video sharing sites, however, and you can download it from the Greenpeace site. It's not the first time that Nestlé has been targeted by such a campaign. Remember the baby milk boycott?
Greenpeace 'Give the Orang-utan a Break' Campaign
Greenpeace has launched a shocking viral as part of a campaign against Nestlé to highlight the company's use of palm oil. Greenpeace says the palm oil from the supplier was used in Nestlé products such Kit Kat, and the brand was therefore involved in destroying the rainforest and endangering orangutans.
Warning: This video gets pretty gruesome!
Have a break? from Greenpeace UK on Vimeo.
You can find out more about the campaign (and show your support) on the Greenpeace site. Apparently, Nestlé complained to YouTube that Greenpeace were infringing their copyright (they have a point!), so YouTube removed the offending video. It's still available on other video sharing sites, however, and you can download it from the Greenpeace site. It's not the first time that Nestlé has been targeted by such a campaign. Remember the baby milk boycott?
17. März 2010
14. März 2010
In 2005, 31,6% of Germans (aged 15 and older) used tobacco
At the world's current population, about 57 million people die each year. Smoking contributes to six of the top eight killers; snuff the butts, and you stop many of the deaths!
Statistics - By 2013, two thirds of all households worldwide will have a TV-set
Across the developing world, around 45% of households had a TV in 1995; by 2005 the number had climbed above 60%. That's some way behind the U.S., where there are more TVs than people, but it dwarfs worldwide Internet access. Five million more households in sub-Saharan Africa will get a TV over the next five years. In 2005, after the fall of the Taliban, which had outlawed TV, 1 in 5 Afghans had one. The global total is another 150 million by 2013 — pushing the numbers to well beyond two-thirds of households. http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1971133_1971110_1971118,00.html
12. März 2010
11. März 2010
10. März 2010
Listen, Listen, listen: China export boom
There have been some dramatic new economic figures out from China today. Newshour investigates what is behind the extraordinary rate of export growth.
Michael Palin and Musa Ibrahim
The TV presenter Michael Palin - best known as one of the Monty Python team - has travelled to many countries around the world making programmes for the BBC.
Recently he's been using his fame to draw attention to the way asylum seekers are treated in the UK.
Michael is President of the Royal Geographical Society, and at one of their public events he interviewed a Somali refugee living in Britain called Musa Ibrahim.
Musa and his family fled to Kenya from the war in Somalia when he was only seven years old. His father, who stayed in Somalia, was killed.
When Michael and Musa came to the Outlook studio, Musa told Outlook presenter Matthew Bannister how he ended up in Britain and Michael explained how they first met.
Buchtipp!!! - "must have" für den Comment

I understand just train-station
ich versteh nur bahnhof
sorry, my english is under all pig
entschuldige, mein englisch ist unter aller sau
I think I spider
ich glaub ich spinne
the devil will i do
den teufel werd ich tun
my lovely mister singing club
mein lieber herr gesangsverein
come on...jump over your shadow
komm schon...spring über deinen schatten
you walk me animally on the cookie
du gehts mir tierisch auf den keks
there my hairs stand up to the mountain
da stehen mir die haare zu berge
tell me nothing from the horse
erzähl mir keinen vom pferd
it's not good cherry-eating with you
es ist nicht gut kirschen essen mit dir
now it goes around the sausage
jetzt geht's um die wurst
there you on the woodway
da bist du auf dem holzweg
I hold it in head not out
ich halt's im kopf nicht aus
I see black for you
ich seh schwarz für dich
your are so a fear-rabbit
du bist so ein angsthase
are you save?
bist du sicher?
give not so on
gib nicht so an
heaven, ass and thread!
Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn!
Human Meier
Mensch Meier
you have not more all cups in the board
du hast nicht mehr alle tassen im schrank
she had a circleroundbreakdown
sie hatte einen kreislaufzusammenbruch
I know me here out
ich kenn mich hier aus
I fall from all clouds
ich fiel aus allen Wolken
no one can reach me the water
niemand kann mir das wasser reichen
not the yellow of the egg
nicht das gelbe vom ei
everything in the green area
alles im grünen bereich
I die for Blackforrestcherrycake
Ich sterbe für Schwarzwälderkirschtorte
it walks me icecold the back down
es läuft mir eiskalt den rücken runter
I'm foxdevilswild
ich bin fuchsteufelswild
now you look but silly out of the clothes
Jetzt schaust Du aber dumm aus der Wäsche
9. März 2010
7. März 2010
6. März 2010
Open Carry Movement - Americans have the right to bear arms in public
San Francisco Coffee Shop Tells Open Carry Customers No Guns Allowed Open Carry gun advocates in the Bay Area are easy to spot. With unloaded firearms strapped to their sides, they meet at coffee shops and other places to protest their right to bear arms, drawing plenty of attention from the media, cops and bystanders along the way. A group of proponents converged at a local Starbucks in November. Earlier this month, members of Bay Area Open Carry gathered at a Peet’s Coffee & Tea in Livermore, triggering a 911 call. Cops responded and frisked one man during his interview with ABC7 (see video below). And last week’s meeting at the Peet’s in San Ramon caused quite a stir among customers who both disapproved and praised the heat-packing patrons, according to The Oakland Tribune.
5. März 2010
4. März 2010
3. März 2010
2. März 2010
http://abs-bkfh.blogspot.com is becoming more international!
Migration in Australia
Here is some information on the topic of migration in Australia. Australia’s Aboriginal history probably began around 60 000 years ago when the Aboriginal people began to arrive from the north. In 1788 the first fleet of Europeans arrived in Sydney. Most of them were convicts from England, Ireland and Scotland. More than 3000 convicts were transported from other countries too, such as China, Germany, France and Portugal. Transportation of convicts stopped in 1868.
An ethnic melting pot : Since 1945 more than six million people from across the world have come to Australia to live. Today, more than 20 per cent of Australians are foreign born and more than 40 per cent are of mixed cultural origin. In our homes we speak 226 languages - after English, the most popular are Italian, Greek, Cantonese and Arabic.
(Australian Government poster displayed
between 1949 and 1951 in reception rooms
and dining halls at various migrant reception
centers in Australia. Source: Wikipedia)
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